Friday, 31 August 2012

Suited 2013 - the beginnings

Work in progress!
Where to begin..

a tailor,
buttonhole stitch:
patterns on delicate tissue,
buttonhole wheels

and the memories of a story..120 buttonholes of cherry twisted silk
A long way to go, many choices to make, but a beginning!

More on boostitch's blog in pattern piece doodle and pattern piece doodle two! (click on the pink links!)

Suited is the first new BB Exhibition for 2013 at the Lansdown Hall Gallery, Stroud
Please see Stroud International Textiles for many exciting events and news of Select 2013

Friday, 10 August 2012

These are the little sketchbooks I am working on at the moment. Top right is the book/folder I made with Corinne Renow-Clarke at Preston Embroidery group. I am filling it with butterfly facts and information to aid my failing memory! Bottom centre is the little book I took to Islay and I am filling with holiday sketches. Top left, the first experiments for Suited ( BB exhibition next May in Stroud) If you want to look at them in detail I will be at the Glos Guild of Craftsmen exhibition in Painswick next Fri 17th August, doing a demonstration day for them.( Open 10 -5) Ex runs until 26th. Liz Harding and I have work in the gallery for sale.