Monday, 19 December 2011

Beautiful Boxes!

Here are some of the new boxes I made with my embroidery class Autumn Term 2011.
We had a great time creating them - with inspiration from Janet Edmunds' and Jane Lemon's books on embroidered boxes.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Happy Christmas Everyone!

Last week the BB's held our Christmas get-together. Not much trifle was left, but here it is amongst some inspiration gathered from the stash of tailors remnants which we will work on in the New Year, as well as planning for a possibly curious event!

Monday, 5 December 2011


Hi - Liz and I went to a wonderful exhibition at the weekend in London at the Crypt gallery in St Pancras Church. It was by an old friend of ours Catherine Dormor and the exhibition relates to her research for her Ph.D. Check out Catherine's website for images and times here just in case you are in London this week.
I found it a very profound and moving exhibition.

Friday, 2 December 2011

BB Workshop Day

A couple more images from when we met recently and started some creative experiments for what will be our new exciting exhibition based on the wonderful collection given to us from a small tailoring business... more of this later...


buttonholes, feathers, corsages, patches, seams, pockets, fragments