Brunel Broderers will be taking their
Bloom exhibition to Illminster in the autumn of next year, augmented with some new work.
I'm continuing to develop the work previously shown in Cheltenham and to replace some pieces which sold. Currently, I'm completing one piece I was working on before the exhibition opened but didn't have time to complete.
45 cm square when mounted and framed
It feels as if the next step now is to try out all sorts of other ideas using the same core images but with a different approach since I want all these pieces to relate to one another and to be part of a developing series. In Photoshop Elements, I've been manipulating the big rose tree shapes, working on them in black and white and then colorising, distorting, and layering them and playing with opacity levels.
So far, these have materialised ... but I'm right at the beginning of this whole idea!
And, I suspect there is much more to come before decide on which path to take and begin work in earnest ...
Margaret Robbie